How much do you charge for your services?

I offer several packages ranging from small details to top-to-bottom planning and decorating services. Send me an email with details about your event and we can choose which one is right for you together!

How much time do you need for my party?

Because I add a lot of personal touches and details to your event, we will need at least two weeks to fully plan your party. Depending on the size of your guest list, that timeline might need to be extended.

Do you require a deposit?

Yes. Because I begin ordering materials as soon as we decide on a plan for your party, your deposit is non-refundable and put to use right away.

Do you charge for an initial consultation at my venue?

Yes. I require a $100 fee for an on-site consultation and brainstorming session, but this fee will be deducted from the final cost of your party.